If I don't have an online social networking presence does that mean I don't exist?

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Socialize Me?

If I am not on a social networking site does that mean I don't exist?

In a way it does, it means I cannot contribute to my off-line social network.  This affects me because I then don't feel "connected"....but strangely this is not as confronting as a "real" world disengagement from my social network...not yet anyway!

Everyday we seek to become more intertwined with the web, sometimes passively in terms of what is now expected "general" use of email and work related activities and sometimes actively in terms of seeking out information to aid us in whatever endeavour we have embarked on.  Our social networks are not excluded!

We are placing more importance on our on-line social networks than ever before, sometimes our social networks exist exclusively on-line....is this having a detrimental affect on our physical world and how we view it? Absolutely!  Is this necessarily bad though?

The web is itself the greatest example of the largest social network and just like our off-line social networks, we have the choice of how we participate in this global collective.

As Descartes put it...I Think Therefore I am!

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