If I don't have an online social networking presence does that mean I don't exist?

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Week 1 - What is in a name?

I was not aware that there was a website by which you could check your user-name, so this week I am very happy because I have learnt something!.....although having learnt that there was a website to check a user-name against I am now not surprised, as the internet has everything....doesn't it?

I have created myself this blog on blogger.com to help me capture my thoughts for my learning platform.

I have decided to use my own name for a user-name on these sites, primarily because I feel using your own name brings more credibility that perhaps creating and posting information under a pseudonym.

Bring on week 2!!

1 comment:

  1. Monday, June 7, 2010
    Week 1 - continued
    Technically I am now into week 2, however I felt I needed to end my week 1 reflections with another post.

    Week 1's topic was a quite emotive topic "What is in a Name", it really shows that we all have a deep personal connection to not only our own names but the names we choose to go by in the online world....whether that be a made up/make believe name or a more professional approach with a name that closely identifies with us as real people.

    For me there has definitely been a shift over the last 10 years to names that closer match who we are as real people.

    There is also thought that it is acceptable to have several online names depending on what it is you are wishing to do. I don't agree with this approach at all. I can understand that people like to preserve their privacy online (we all do to an extent), however how can we be serious, educated and respectable web users when we have to hide behind alter ego's?

    I believe the internet has matured enough where we can now trust ourselves to use it respectably.

    Lets be honest, it really comes down to common sense, if you are afraid of what someone may find out about you on the internet, don't put it on there!

    In this week I have opened a twitter account (mzajer), this blog account and I will shortly open a Flickr account in my name as well. I won't be subscribing to Facebook as I do not believe it is secure enough for my comfort levels.

    I will post my initial week 2 observations soon.
